Hello, I'm Dan C, a London-based writer and creative focusing on all things story. My work touches arts and cultural programming, animation and film, campaigns, branding and UX. I also offer free support to orgs on a mission (#13 below). Got a project? Let’s chat.

01 Today at Apple
02 Apple Creative Studios
03 Apple Creative Projects
04 Made for Business
05 Remix Sessions
06 Apple Music Classical
07 New World
08 Make Your Holiday
09 Beats
10 Thlides
11 Spider-Man
12 Cold Soup
13 Non-profits

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︎︎︎ Linkedin
︎︎︎ YunoJuno

Hello, I'm Dan C, a London-based writer and creative focusing on all things story. My work touches arts and cultural programming, animation and film, campaigns, branding and UX. I also offer free support to orgs on a mission (#13 below). Got a project? Let’s chat.

︎︎︎ Email
︎︎︎ Linkedin
︎︎︎ YunoJuno

01 Today at Apple
02 Apple Creative Studios
03 Apple Creative Projects
04 Made for Business
05 Remix Sessions
06 Apple Music Classical
07 New World
08 Make Your Holiday
09 Beats
10 Thlides
11 Spider-Man
12 Cold Soup
13 Non-profits


CLIENT:  Apple
YEAR:    2021-22 
Follow along to learn how to create on iPhone, iPad and more with techniques from global artists and Apple Creatives.

Creative Projects launched on YouTube just before the pandemic to bring fun challenges to a fanbase keen to learn creative tips on iPhone and iPad. Brought in for s2, I worked with the Apple team to develop the final episodes of the series.

First up, a #ShotoniPhone episode to be captured in Mexico City, featuring Eupheria set photographer Eddie Chen. Followed by a design focused finale with Dallas artist Temi Coker.

The #ShotoniPhone episode was all about learning how to play with the different types of light you encouner as the sun sets on a summer’s day, like long shadows in the afternoon and golden hour. For this episode, I worked on the story structure and experience design, looking at the ways iPhone could be used within the narrative. I then worked on the script to map out the story across Mexico City and guide the shoot.

For the finale, I paired up with a visual creaive director to design the project at the heart of the episode, all about creating alter egos, and worked with the team to find the perfect artist for the job.

We then went deep into the UI of iPad and Procreate, and Temi’s creative process, to design a smooth, fun story packed with creative insights and unlocks, and bubbling with natural creative energy. 

I then supervised the script on set in Chicago to make sure every beat was hit, and worked closely with the post-production team to bring the final narrative together and down to size.



© 2024 Daniel Cooke